The Social Leadership Revolution
Posted on 10th August 2022 at 15:38
Welcome to the Social Leadership Revolution!
Social Leaders are akin to what Greenleaf in the 1970’s called Servant Leadership, where the leader was in the service of their team to drive the results of the organisation. Today, the leader is a servant to the purpose of an organisation as a whole and rather than managing down is a little bit like Atlas holding the world on his shoulders from Greek mythology.
Social Leadership is as simple as embracing the technology at your fingertips and understanding how to use it to drive effective leadership in the modern workplace.
There is no need to spend your time searching for answers to understand why your revenue line dropped last week, why productivity is down, or why you didn’t sell as much of something as you needed to. The modern world offers you tech platforms that can give you all of the answers, instantly, at your fingertips, at any time of the day or night.
There is no need to cascade internal messages by means of Chinese Whispers, hoping that by the time your important message reaches the front line it still reads the same and has the same impact. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone in your organisation without a smart phone, and in that case there’s no reason you can’t reach them all, in one go, instantly.

Communication is King!
The Internal Comms Platform – cascading messages from the top down has never been easier and gone are the days where a message needs to be circulated from CEO to Directors, from Directors to Area Managers, from Area Managers to General Managers - in the vain hope that it makes it to the operators driving your business.
Social Leadership Communication Platforms akin to user-friendly social media platforms can be easily installed into any business and onto any smartphone to ensure that when the CEO speaks, everyone hears them. More importantly, it becomes a two-way conversation with the opportunity to engage, comment and voice opinions.
Leadership teams receive invaluable feedback instantly, and operators feel valued, listened to and part of a decision-making process. The platforms allow for the gamification of sales and performance incentives where your teams can review live progress reports to encourage friendly competition and to drive performance. Recognition can be delivered instantly, via private message to the shining star in your team, or by shouting about them publicly in a forum where everyone else can share in the success of a team member.
Data is your Super Power!
Operational Excellence Platforms Critically appraise your business in minutes with technology that tells you everything you need to know about your business, and what you need to change in order to do better. Operations Directors & Area Managers no longer need to spend hours observing ‘on the shop floor’ to understand what’s going well and what should be a focus for change because, in this digital age, your customers have already told you. The answers are there and can be found instantly. They are at your fingertips.
Mindset is your Secret Weapon!
Installing technology platforms does not make you a Social Leader. Imagine the gym membership that you sign-up for in January and then wonder why it’s not working in March (because you never went!)
It’s what you do with the technology and the data that makes the difference and for that you need a leadership team with the right mindset and the right set of behaviours to back it up.
As we learnt from the pandemic, we don't know what might be round the next corner, and technology is the game-changing tool which will help organisations make quicker, faster better decisions through quantitative and qualitative feedback.
Technology & Data + Mindset = Operational Excellence & Competitive Advantage

You install the tech, and Purple Story installs the mindset
Purple Story is championing the Social Leadership Revolution and partnering with tech platforms to provide the perfect solution for any business. When you invest in technology, you want to succeed and see a return on your investment. But unless you remember to install the mindset to go along with your tech, you’re gambling on that success. Onboarding the mindset is as important as learning which buttons to press to turn it on
If we plug the gap between data and behaviour by understanding the sentiment of how our customers feel, our teams can deliver operational excellence.
The social revolution uses tech to power communication to deliver operational excellence.
Being future fit through embracing tech will be the key to thriving.
Don’t install your tech and forget to switch it on!
Contact us to find out more about The Social Leadership Revolution & how we can support your business
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